बात है उन दिनों की जब मैं लगभग 8 या 10 वर्ष का था उस समय मैं यह भी नहीं समझता था कि स्कूल कैसा तथा क्या होता है जब मैं स्कूल पढ़ने जाता था तब मैं बहुत शरारती तथा बहुत बदमाश था मैं मेरे से छोटे बच्चो को मै हमेशा पीटता था मैं और मेरे दोस्त मिलकर स्कूल जाते थे लेकिन पड़ने के लिए नहीं मौज मस्ती करने के लिए उस समय विद्धयालय के टीचर बच्चो को ज्यादा मारा करते थे लेकिन जब हम स्कूल मैं मारपीट किया करते थे तब हमें टीचर कुछ नहीं कहते थे क्योकि हम बहुत बदमाश थे स्कूल की छुटटी का समय 1 बजे होता था लेकिन हम छुट्टी से पहले ही घर आ जाते थे और जब स्कूल के खुलने का समय होता था तब हम स्कूल देर से जाते थे इससे टीचर हम पर बहुत गुस्सा होते थे स्कूल के दिनों में हम कभी सोते नहीं थे तथा कभी आलस्य भी नहीं होता था और थकते भी नहीं थे लेकिन एक बात आपको जरूर कह रहे है कि दिन के समय हम कुछ न कुछ करते रहते थे ऐसे ही हमारी दिनचर्या चलती रहती थी ----धन्यवाद
अगली पोस्ट दिलचस्प होने वाली है
------= English Translation =-------
It is a matter of those days when I was about 8 or 10 years old, I did not even understand what school was like and what happens when I went to school, I was very naughty and very badass. I and my friends always used to go to school together, but not to have fun, we used to beat the school children more than they used to have fun, but when we beat them in school At that time, the teacher did not say anything to us because we were very badass school hours were at 1 pm but we used to come home before the holiday and when it was time for school to open, we used to go to school late. We used to get very angry on school days, we never slept and there was never any laziness and we were not tired but one thing is definitely telling you that during the day we used to do something like this. Our routine used to go on ---- thanks
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अगली पोस्ट की प्रतीक्षा करें
------= English Translation =-------
It is a matter of those days when I was about 8 or 10 years old, I did not even understand what school was like and what happens when I went to school, I was very naughty and very badass. I and my friends always used to go to school together, but not to have fun, we used to beat the school children more than they used to have fun, but when we beat them in school At that time, the teacher did not say anything to us because we were very badass school hours were at 1 pm but we used to come home before the holiday and when it was time for school to open, we used to go to school late. We used to get very angry on school days, we never slept and there was never any laziness and we were not tired but one thing is definitely telling you that during the day we used to do something like this. Our routine used to go on ---- thanks
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